Thursday, October 28, 2010

Growing Up

This is something funny because just today itself, a lab tech couldn't find my ID/IC when I checked out from the lab today because he had a hard time finding an ID photo that is identical to me. WTF! I thought I just grew some mustache and beard compared to the clean shaved me in the IC photo! And then YewCheong showed me a pic of mine taken years back then. Holy smoke! I don't remember looking so young!
Maybe a year or two ago? or three? 

Time is flying fucking fast I don't even realize it. Sigh.


baobao said...

minty..u look so cute last come i never notice u many lam yan mei..XD

MintZhet said...

u notice cch ni ma..

baobao said...

lol~~~ mou luen luen say oh~~~~