Thursday, April 8, 2010

Echoes of the Rainbow

I don't remember when was the last time I actually bought the ticket to watch a Hong Kong film. So today I took a break from my hectic schedules to watch this critically acclaimed movie titled "歲月神偷 (Echoes of the Rainbow)" and damn, it was good!

First of all, I am a big fan of Sandra Ng since her role in Golden Chicken. I'm always expecting Sandra will take more similar roles in the future but all the followed up movies she starred in were pretty disastrous and shiteous until this one. (WARNING: SPOILER AHEAD!)

The story centers around a family living in HK during the 60s. The father is a shoemaker while the mum sells the shoes. They have two sons together - an elder son who did extremely good in both academics and athletics and a younger son who was naughty and always get detention from teachers in school. Things seem going well until the parents found out their elder son was diagnosed with leukemia. They struggled financially to support the cost for his medical treatment. Things get worse when they stop getting anymore customers to drop by as the world was developing fast outside their town. The son eventually died followed by his father few years later. Sad.

I felt very connected to the movie because there were few scenes which remind me of my own family. The way a father punishes his son for getting bad results, mum nagging the kids to take dinners and etc. There were many sweet moments mixing with bit of bitterness, which I think is what we experience in our life. Good things don't always happen but so does bad things. We need to take a bit of both in order to live a colorful life.

Quote from the movie : 鞋字半邊難 半邊佳 一半難 一半佳

(p/s: that elder son looks like a mixture of Leehom and Bruce Lee. Just sayin')


TebuCullen a.k.a MeiHui said...

watch jiu watch la...
still blog about it!!!
see till an foh bao!!!LOL

MintZhet said...

eh eh.. not only I blogged ok..
watch d felt good then share la..

baobao said...

hahaha..zhet..u shld say "mixture of Leehom and Bruce Lee which a bit weird" hahahahha