Monday, March 21, 2011

(Most) Malaysians Need Help

Not sure if any of you have watched a recent YouTube sensation called Rebecca Black with her adorable song "Friday" (video below) but I find it entertaining. I don't have any ears for music of whatsoever but I can tell she is not the best singer or has the 'talent' to carry a tune. But, people loved it. She must be doing something right. On the other hand, Kok Hong showed me a video of a local girl singing a song about "Welcome To Malaysia". (video below)

First of all, I just need to clear the air, the very moment I am blogging this, I still considered myself as a Malaysian (its hard to believe but I am telling the whole world I am from Malaysia, out loud!) I find it disgusting, that what people wrote to the poor girl video. Does she suck? Yes, big time. Is she degrading Malaysia? I don't think so. You see, if she is the only thing people can relate to Malaysia, well, I guess the problem is not her already right?

Well it doesn't come to surprise that most haters are posting negative comments simply because, she is not a Chinese/ she can't speak proper english/ she has indon slang (WTF?!)/ she is not as pretty as Rebecca Black (LAME)/ she dreamt TOO BIG (was there ever a dream too small? IDIOT!)/ etc etc. DAMN. Hating for all the wrong reasons.

So what if you are Malaysian Chinese. Are you smarter? If yes, what are you doing now to help improve the country? Complaining about everything and call every Malays you meet on the street pigs? Or saying Malays being racist? Why is your leader not doing anything to fix things? Doesn't that make him an idiot too? And you guys are idiots to vote for him at the first place? Oh, and not to forget that 'genius' who keeps writing songs about our government and doing some 'inspiring' shorts, did he contribute anything to the society besides rising chaos within? And you guys still buy whatever shit he sells.

So what if she can't speak proper english? That might not be her fault. Do you think she had the 'high education' level same like you did? If she had, do you think she's gonna be doing the video at all? She might ended up being like one of you who claimed to have the perfect grammar error free fluent english and still talk like .. I don't know, I am not in a position to judge. You can have all your bombastic words in your 500 pages of speech but at the end of the day, you might just be practicing to yourself in front of the mirror. Or show off to your friends once in awhile when you have 'foreigner visitors'. Not sure to you, but that kinda sounds like a loser to me.

She dreamt too big. Wow. She doesn't has the face in the field. If that's the case, what the fuck is Steven Tyler and Susan Boyle doing in the showbiz. For those who don't know who they are, shame on you. Or maybe, your dream is that big it can only content yourself and your delusional future that might not even come. Nuff said.

So back to Rebecca Black. To me, they are the same thing. So why is Rebecca Black a trending topic on Twitter for the entire week and Rosalinda is getting (still counting) all these backlashes from all you beloved Malaysians? People should really take funny and mean the right way.

This is the sad thing. I am really proud of being a Malaysian. I love our inside jokes but sometimes I think there should be a limit of what you say to others. No matter how much I complained about our country (not gonna stop) but I still hold hopes because I know, out there, there are people like me (hopefully) who is civilized enough to be witty and talk shits at the right time instead. That being said, I think I am smarter than you, I'm sorry, just a fact check.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Biggest 2011 Oscar Snub

This is a drawing I did for my new upcoming blog. It's a project for myself. Inspired by the Julie/Julia project, I will try and have at least one artpiece posted everyday (hopefully it will last for a year). I'm yet to come up with a cool template so its gonna take few days but for now this is something I wanna share.
(Guess the sketch?)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Have you ever in a position where you think, "Why so unfair? ... " I'm pretty sure all of us did. Fact is, the world is not fair. If it was, earth would have been in a cube shape instead of round. Make sense much? Below are some of the few examples from my personal experience for the past months:

1.) I worked my ass off to do my finals last semester. Not to mention getting home late and going to school again early in the morning. I was pretty sure just that effort itself scored an A++. My final grade? B+. Okay, I tried convincing myself, it was a tough A to get. SO let it go. Till one day, someone I think should have got a B- told me he got an A for the class. DAMN IT. (He's good looking and nice to me so I'll give it to him. UGH)

2.) There was a bitch who constantly late to classes or just MIA for weeks. (Note: to make sure I'm not saying its racism issue here, this bitch is an asian) According to the school policy, absent from classes for three times cause a dropout for the class immediately. That sounds so terrifying right? But, bitch showed up on last class with all her tears and some shitty final homework she did and the teacher let her got away. Reason? She was dealing with some personal issues that cause her missed those classes. Guess what were those issues? Having trouble to identify which man she slept with the night before.

3.) The same bitch, for yet another class, had issues with showing up on time too. That kinda pissed the teacher off. So she was kinda picky on her which I totally didn't blame her for that. Since this time was a female instructor, her gorgeous face features couldn't be used for 'good cause'. So she came up with this claim sayin' the teacher was being racist. She confronted her and since that she kinda give in because she was trying to avoid complains, or so I guess. So after 5 absences and uncountable late arrivals, she got a B+, exactly the same like me. BITCH

4.) Here's hoping I won't see her again in my new semester, this whore (sorry I just need to upgrade her status) somehow changed her schedule for some God-Knows-Why reasons to be in this current class with me. DAMN. She has been trying to make him (the teacher) to help her for the classwork (everybody does but she did it more often and in a sluttier way and fake compressed tones) and its kinda disturbing for me. So the unfair part here is, everyone got a B/C for the first grade and she got an A. FUCK HER. (Note, she was late for all the classes thus far. That should have been a grade drop according to the 'school policy'. If she were still able to get an A, that means she was an A+. WTF)

5.) Enough bragging about that whore who shall not be named ....prisa rianzi (totally google-able) then at this side I have people telling me how good my life is - getting to study abroad, has this kinda money etc etc, which I am so lazy to repeat myself again.

6.) Too many things to tell at once. Maybe next time. I just wanna rant

So, the conclusion is, life is not fair. If you want a fair life, get Neutrogena. or Olay Total White. Or something else. FML. Peace.